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Did you know that if you are a voter in NSW, and are blind or have low vision, you will again be able to cast a secret, independent and verifiable vote in the New South Wales general election using iVote from home?

You can vote in one of three ways:

  • Through an automated telephone system with candidates’ names spoken by recorded voice and using the telephone keypad to select your preferred candidates;
  • Using a web page with your computer or smart phone; or
  • Speaking to a trained call centre operator who will enter your voting instructions into the iVote system with a second person checking your instructions have been recorded accurately.

Applications for iVote are now open, and you will be able to vote from 11 March until the end of polling day on 23 March.

To apply and vote, call 1300 2iVote or 1300 248683 or visit www.ivote.nsw.gov.au.